Worship Schedule
We have one service at 10 a.m. which is The Book of Alternative Services Holy Communion. There is Sunday School each week There are also children's bulletins and activities for them in the front pew when they return to service for Communion.
On the first and third Sundays of the month, we have Choral Eucharist with traditional hyms, organ music and a teaching sermon. We also have Music for Reflection, which is a chance to ponder the sermon while listening or singing along with a contemporary song. There are two pieces of music to close. We use a traditional hymn and then have a contemporary song where a couple of the children assist by handing out our instruments to play along.
On our second and fourth Sundays of the month, is a "bare bones" Holy Communion service using contemporary Christian rock music with an updated version of classic hymns. This service is geared to families, those new to faith, or those wanting to support new ways of doing chruch.
After each service, we have "coffee hour" with snacks and beverages. It's time to come together as a parish family to reconnect with old friends and to get to know those new in our parish.

Worship Schedule
Worship Ministries
Anglicans believe worship to be the work of the people. At St. Paul’s, we celebrate Holy Communion on Sundays. There are many choices if you would like to be involved in our worship life. You might usher, read, lead the prayers, or join the coffee hour team.
Ordinary parishioners—lay people who are trained and supervised—assist in conducting the church services. Along with the privilege of leadership comes the responsibility to deliver our best by way of preparation and dedication.
Ms. Mimi Price coordinates the Lay Worship Assistants, responsible to Rev. Debbie
Worship Schedule
Multi-Media Team
The multi-media team operates the audio/visual equipment which supports our Contemporary Holy Communion service. This ministry helps enliven our informal, child-friendly family service. We use contemporary Christian rock music provided bythe iWorship DVD series. Frances Oakley-Marshall is the Multi-media Coordinator.
During upbeat worship moments, our children, and even those “young at heart,” use instruments to actively enjoy our praise songs. We have a children’s room with soft puzzles, books and toys to help youngsters learn how to behave during the reflective times in worship.
Even our youngest members return from their Sunday School classes ready to participate in the weekly Holy Communion, each with a fun, new theme.

Worship Schedule
Chancel Guild
This ministry involves the behind-the-scenes tasks of beautifying the sanctuary and preparing the altar for our worship services. CATHY TURGEON is the Chancel Guild Convenor