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Messy Church

Messy Church is not Vacation Bible School or Sunday School or Girl Guides/Boy Scouts or a birthday party but rather a bit of it all!

At St. Paul’s Messy Church  is an informal, inter-generational two hours on a Saturday afternoon for children and their caregivers. We gather to have a snack, watch a DVD to learn a biblical story, make crafts and conclude with Holy Communion.  There may be some singing and games, too.
We began this program once again in order to serve the young families who have joined us.  There is always room for a neighbour, friend or grandchild who has not yet participated.  Children of all ages are welcome.  It is a wonderful way for those new to church to watch and learn the etiquette or behaviour appropriate for worship.
If a child remembers that church was welcoming and fun that sows very good seeds for future faith development.  God is good and Church is safe.  Parents are the primary source for modelling lifestyle values for their kids and attending Messy Church together builds a strong foundation.

Contact:  Rev Debbie